Keto Knækbrød Crackers

Keto Knækbrød Crackers


Keto Knækbrød Crackers 200g

Brand: The Baked Dane

Keto Keto-to-go-low! Low carb that is...

Often, the one thing people miss when starting a diet or new lifestyle is the vessel! That vessel which holds all the precious load and gets it from plate to mouth...better known as slice of bread, chip, wrap or cracker.

The Keto Knækbrød is made especially for this purpose and allows you to load it up with whatever you heart desires (within reasonable boundaries) and meet your macronutrient count of the meal/day/week and not feel like you are missing a thing.

And just to tick another box, its gluten free!Keto-to-go-low! Low carb that is...

Often, the one thing people miss when starting a diet or new lifestyle is the vessel! That vessel which holds all the precious load and gets it from plate to mouth...better known as slice of bread, chip, wrap or cracker.

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Original Knækbrød Crackers

rice crackers.jpg

Rice Knækbrød Crackers
